Mobile App Integration
React Native SDK
webviews only
webviews only
Web Integration
Optimised For Mobile
Real-Time Feedback
Free Plan Monthly
Response Limit
0 - no free plan
Advanced Reporting
Clear Pricing, no hidden extra's
Live Chat Support For All Clients
Ships Fast & Regularly
How is Qualli different from Typeform or SurveyMonkey?
How is Qualli different from Typeform or SurveyMonkey?
Qualli is uniquely designed for mobile applications, providing a distinct approach to user feedback. In contrast to platforms like Typeform and SurveyMonkey, which are not specifically built for mobile apps, Qualli focuses on capturing user insights in real time, as users interact with your app.
This immediate feedback mechanism ensures that insights are gathered at the moment of engagement, offering a clearer understanding of user experience and behavior within mobile app environmen
Qualli is uniquely designed for mobile applications, providing a distinct approach to user feedback. In contrast to platforms like Typeform and SurveyMonkey, which are not specifically built for mobile apps, Qualli focuses on capturing user insights in real time, as users interact with your app.
This immediate feedback mechanism ensures that insights are gathered at the moment of engagement, offering a clearer understanding of user experience and behavior within mobile app environmen
Mobile App Integration
React Native SDK
webviews only
webviews only
Web Integration
Optimised For Mobile
Real-Time Feedback
Free Plan Monthly Response Limit
0 - no free plan
Advanced Reporting
Clear Pricing, no hidden extra's
Live Chat Support For All Clients
Ships Fast & Regularly
In-product surveys for web & mobile
In-product surveys for web & mobile
In-product surveys for web & mobile